Sabtu, 17 Maret 2018

How People Communicate on the Internet

How People Communicate on the Internet

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How People Communicate on the Internet

There are many popular ways that Internet services allow you to communicate with others. Some are mostly used to keep up with friends and family. Others are for meeting new people or at least asking some questions and getting advice and information. Here are a few of the popular ways people communicate through Internet services.

*Email: This type of communication is much like letter writing. You can write short quick messages, or long ones, include photos or other documents. Email is convenient because it is basically free and much faster than sending things through the mail. Many advertisers, companies, and clubs have begun communicating primary over email to send letters, bill, and notifications. This has saved them a lot of time and money. Many people consider email communication "green" or "paperless" and promote it that way.

*Instant Messaging: This is especially popular with the younger audience, but easy for anyone to use. Instant messaging is a program that you log into with a screen name or username. You will then be able to see the screen names of friends who are also logged in at the time. You can click on one or multiple screen names and type conversations to each other. It's more "real time" than email, because you can respond to each other right away. However, you can only talk to people who are currently logged in, so it has its limits.

* Webcams: Although they are usually accompanied with instant messaging, webcams offer a very different element to online communication. Usually a small device that attaches to your computer, a webcam, or web camera allows you to see the person you are talking to during your conversation. If accompanied with a microphone, you can just talk to each other and watch the video screen showing the other person's face. This is especially popular with long distance relationships, because it helps the person feel like they're right in front of you.

*Chat rooms: This is much like instant messaging, where you contribute to a conversation by typing your responses. However, in a chat room, people from all over the world can be logged in. Chat rooms are basically a place where anyone (unless they are restricted to certain members) can join into a group conversation. Websites that host chat rooms usually have a room for different topics, age or interest groups. This way, you are more likely to chat about and find people who have something in common with you. Many times people join chat rooms to meet other people, or discuss topics openly with others. You can also private message or instant message anyone in the chat room to have a one on one conversation.

Forums: A forum is a great way to ask questions from anyone who will know the answer. Many times, a website will host a forum so that people can ask questions or post complaints about their website. Other times, websites host multiple forums on a certain topic. There are often moderators to guide the questions and conversations, so they remain helpful and clean. A new forum conversation starts out with someone asking a question or stating something for which they would like feedback. Anyone can respond to the first post by replying, as well as reply to post that others made. All the responses are organized in a long list under the original post.

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